The immense role of psychology in our lives.

Mustafa Khattak
5 min readJan 19, 2021


Before we start discussing the gravity of psychology, first we need to understand what psychology actually is. Have you ever wondered why people behave the way they do? Why someone you know perfectly capable of reasoning makes an irrational decision out of the blue? Why your Wife/Husband suddenly starts behaving like a crackpot on what is a rather wonderful day? Or the reason behind someone getting sentimental over something petty?

Well, is it just out of instinct? Just the way we humans are: sensitive and unpredictable? The answer is no! This is where psychology comes in. “The study of the mind and behavior”. As insane as it may sound human behavior is highly predictable, and to understand that we need to appreciate psychology in its true meaning first.


The late 19th century marked the start of psychology as a scientific enterprise. It existed since the ancient Greece civilizations mainly as some sub-branch of philosophy but later became an independent branch in scientific study. Over the years it has gained much attention and expanded into many sub-branches. There are many scientists and researchers now adding to the facts and benefits of psychology every day.

The significance of psychology in our everyday life:

Is psychology only limited to students, academics, and therapists? The psychology we mainly know and hear of is the one used to help and cure people of mental health issues but that is just a drop in the bucket. Any ordinary man can and should benefit from it as all knowledge is public property. Consider some of the following benefits:

- Helps you understand relationships better.

- Allows you to make more rewarding decisions in life.

- Makes you socially smart and emotionally intelligent.

- It will make you more tolerant of others.

Understanding of non-verbal communication — social psychology in everyday life

Humans are highly visual beings. We prefer believing what we see over what we hear. So, what role does psychology play in this regard? Professor Mehrabian (Emeritus of psychology at the University of California) along with other experts suggests that 70–93% of all our communications are non-verbal. Your body gestures convey more than your words. Psychology allows you to read these signals by directing you where and when to look for them.

· Body language and postures:

Your body movements, face, arms, and postures add up to 50–55% of the nonverbal signals you are giving out. You might not know but your body gestures indicate and give away clues about how you are feeling. Malcolm Gladwell, in his bestseller, Blink, suggested that it takes as little as two seconds for a person to form his opinion about you. So stand straight and stop slouching as standing straight is a sign of confidence. Body gestures and positions which involve people bending in or covering their chest give hints of lack of confidence. Whereas a more open posture involving a person embracing the world with the chest gives signals of confidence.

· Facial expressions:

Your facial expressions are an equally important part of your non-verbal communication. The way you lift your brows from time to time, the movement of your eyes, a nod, and a smile here and there all count up and are extremely important.

· Eye contact:

Strategic eye contact has the power to change the way people think about you. Focusing your eyes on the person you’re talking to helps you concentrate. When your eyes wander, here and there, extraneous images that are sent to your brain slow it down. Avoiding eye contact portrays to your listener a less believable and timid image. When you keep eye contact with your listener they are transformed from passive receivers to active participants.

· The tone of your voice and self-synchrony:

10% of conflicts are due to differences in opinion. 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice. The tone of your voice plays a very vital role in your communications since there are many chances of getting misinterpreted.

“Self-synchrony” refers to a process where the body of the person speaker moves closely in time with speech. It is not restricted to hand gestures; movements of all parts of the body are closely synchronized with speech, mainly in terms of vocal stress. Spoken English is produced in groups of words, typically averaging about five in length, where there is one primary vocal stress, conveyed principally through changes in pitch, also through changes in loudness or rhythm.

Understand yourself and others better:

Understanding ourselves is the first step towards understanding others better. When you understand how psychology works and how the human mind operates you start treating others intelligently. Completing your requirements within theirs, finding a mutually beneficial middle way.

· Make more rewarding decisions in life.

Cognitive psychology can help you make better decisions in your life. A fair amount of research on this field has been done known as behavioral economics.

· Value of psychology in the workplace — Emotional Intelligence.

There are five components of emotional intelligence:

- Self-awareness.

- Self-regulation.

- Motivation.

- Empathy.

- Social skills.

Why is it so important? You’re able to manage your impulsive and bipolar behaviors’ and maintain a cool and calm image. It works best for both; you and the people working with you.

Valuable lesson psychology teaches you

In the end, psychology just leads you to the fact that there are no absolute truths, just shades of different perspectives. Perhaps the goal in life is not for others to agree with you but to understand what their perspective is and how it differs from yours. To appreciate that what you hold as your truth might not be true but just a perspective on some aspect of life that is shaped by your experiences. I am not talking about truths as in facts of Science and Mathematics, just life.

Take your learning further.

If you’re willing to learn more on the subject; the following are some books that are cheap, accessible, and highly recommended:

· Psychology for dummies

· Thinking Fast and Slow

· As a man thinketh

· The undiscovered self

· Psych 101



Mustafa Khattak
Mustafa Khattak

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